The Easiest Grill Clean Up Ever – with BBQ Grilling Mats!

If you’re anything like me, easy and low-maintenance are key. Especially when cooking on the grill, which is why I like grilling mats.

Usually when I’m grilling, I’m either on a camping trip or entertaining friends in the backyard or trying to enjoy a football tailgater at the same time that I’m grilling. I don’t need extra work and mess to deal with.

BBQ Grill MatThat’s why I think this grilling gadget is so cool.

Some people may think that you’re not “truly grilling” when you use accessories like these.

If you don’t cook your ribs or wings directly on the grill plates then why even barbecue? Why not just use a stove or oven to make your meal?

I’ll tell you Why. And it involves Grill Marks.

Because grilling’s awesome! It gives you the opportunity cook outside, to drink beer around the grill with your buddies, have meat with that smoky flavor and serve food with black lines on it.

Yes, I know you like those grill marks as much as I do. That’s why I was so pumped with I discovered that this BBQ Grill Mat takes away the mess but still give you those grill marks. Yes!

Is Clean-up Really Easier with Grilling Mats?

Besides keeping the grill plates clean, you have less stuff dripping down into your BBQ. Less clean-up = less work. The Mat can easily be washed in a tub of water or sink. It takes minutes, and then it’s ready yo be used again.

Your grill will stay looking newer and cleaner for longer, with less regular maintenance required and less gross stuff accumulating in your BBQ.

** By the way, if you have an older BBQ with ceramic grill plates that are starting to chip, grilling mats provide the perfect solution. They prevent you from having to pay $80-$150 for brand new grill plates (ouch!). Saving money always makes me happy.

So, How Much Do BBQ Grilling Mats Cost?

If you’ve ever used those disposable rack covers for the BBQ, you know that they can’t even compare. At about $1 apiece with a one-time use, they pale in comparison to the BBQ Grill Mat, which offers unlimited uses (OK, not really, only 1,000) for about $12.

Keep More of the Food You Cook.

Don’t look confused. You know what I’m talking about. Those small chunks of food that fall through the rack lost forever into the dark abyss. The Mat keeps the small food bits above the rack where they belong, so you can eat them later. And you thought the RoadTrip Grill LXE couldn’t get any better…

Get more information or buy the grill mat here.

Wait. Now you want 2 mats?


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for Easy, Convenient Cooking on the Road

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